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Dilla is a Solo people, she want to pick her friend up at Adisoemarmo Airport, Solo. She is Dilla’s penpal from Seoul, South Korea. With a letter that contains some characteristics of her friend, Dilla was looking for her at Arrivals room.

Dilla : (Holding the personal letter and walking around the room) Hmm, where is she? (Walking around    a the room and looking for someone while she holding the letter)
          Maybe she was waiting and she was sending this letter
After a while, she find a girl that match wit
h the characteristics on the letter.
Dilla : Pardon me first. I’m looking for my penpal from South Korea. I’m difficult to find her. Are you Utari Samsir, from South Korea?
Utari : Who are you?
Dilla :  I’m Dilla, I’m looking for my penpal name Utari. Are you? Because the characteristic on the letter match on you.
Utari : Yes, I’m Utari.
Dilla  : I am so happy to finally meet you
Dilla : Nevermind. I amhungryforwaiting you
Are you hungry? Lets we go to the most famous resto here, Cobek restaurant.
Utari : Sure, I am. Lets go.
Dilla : By the way, you looks really beauty.
Utari : Thanks. So you are.

After a few minutes later, they arrive at Cobek Restaurant. And then they enter it.

Nana : Welcome to Cobek Restaurant. This is the food and drink menu. What do you like to order?
Utari  : What is the special food in this resto?
Nana : There is Java Salad, with rice cake and some nut sauce. And there is Sate Kere, it’s a grill soybean cake food. It’s really delicious.
Utari : Alright, I will order  meatballs and  Sate Kere  with healty juice. What about you Dilla?
Dilla : I will order and Solo’s Coto. And my orange juice. Just that.
Nana : Okay, let me repeat it., one Solo’s Coto, , one bowl of meatballs, healty juice  and  orange juice    for both of you. Please wait and thank you.

When Nana goes to kitchen. Dilla and Utari talking about something.

Utari : Don’t you remember Si Won. My friend that I ever told you?
Dilla : Is he the coolest boy (laki-laki keren) in your school? Why?
Utari : Yap, do you believe me if I say the cool and handsome boy like Si won, were a gay?
Dilla : No, I don’t believe that at all. You must be joking.
Utari : No, I’m not. You want a prove?
Dilla : Sure, Why not.
Utari : Look. *showing her handphone*
Dilla : OH MY GOD! Is it true?
Utari : Yes dear.
Dilla : It could be edit right? And who’s the guy beside him?
Utari : No, No editing in this picture. That’s Ye Sung.
Dilla : OMG, I was not expecting. But I believe it now.

And Nana came with the the order.

Nana : Here you are. Please, enjoy it.

And Nana put their order on the table, but incauntiously she drops s glass full of water, and wetted Utari’s clothes.

Utari : What do you mean about it? You meant it, Ha’?
Nana : No, I don’t. I’m so sorry. (cleans Utari’s clothes)
Utari : Stop. Don’t touch my dress. Just take a new glass. (sighing)

And then, Nana came back to the costumers table.

Nana : I’m sorry for that. Here you are.
Utari : Thank you.

So, Utari and Dilla enjoy their  food. And Nana came back to her place.

Dilla : Enjoy your food. Good taste?
Utari : I don’t know. I don’t taste it yet. (And Utari taste it)
Utari : Oh my God, It’s really spicy and salty. Weird taste. (mengibaskan tangannya di depan mulutnya dan merasa kepedisan)
Utari : What this is all mean? You want to joking on me?
Dilla : Calm down (tenang), Utari. Lets we ask it to the manager.

So, Dilla, Utari, and Nana went to meet the manager.

Winni : Good Morning, what’s problem do you have?
Utari : Excuse me, I want to complain that your staff just drop a glass full of water and your chef serve me a really weird taste.!!
Winni : Okay, Because my staff was here. So, let me call my chef. Excuse me.

And then Winni come to call the Chef, Alifa.

Winni : Alifa,  I want to talk to you. Come to my office, now.
Alifa : Yes, mam.

In Winni Office.
Winni : Please Mrs. Utari reveal your complain.
Utari :  Okay, first my dress getting wet because your staff  drop me a glass full of water, and your chef serve me a dish with super spicy and salty taste.
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Oke, pertama gaunku basah karena staf Anda menjatuhkanku segelas penuh air, dan koki Anda melayani saya hidangan dengan rasa pedas dan asin super.

Winni : Ok, everybody heard that, right? Can you explain the reason why you drop tha glass, Nana?
Nana : Yes, I drop the glass, but I don’t mean to do that. I’m really sorry. Please, forgive me.
Winni : And you, chef?
Alifa : Yes, I don’t know that she won’t spicy taste. I’m really sorry, too.
Dilla : You hear that Utari. So, you want to forgive that?
Utari : Okey, nevermind. Whatever.
Dilla : Don’t be like that in your birthday, right?
Alifa, Winni, Nana : Happy Birthday, Mrs. Utari :D
Dilla : Happy Birthday, Dear. I’m sorry for that stupid stuff and problem. Happy Bday.
Utari : Oh my God, thank you, my dear.
All except Utari : Happy Birthday.

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